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Adds logging functions to the GraphQL-Server-Generator: create-graphql-server

import { getLogFilename, logger } from 'create-graphql-server-logging';

adds functions:

With getLogFilename it determines the loggers path and filename from your package.json section. The logger function provides a winston logging environment.


Your server logs now all Graphql requests and nice formatted queries to the log file, which you've defined. This works only with loglevel = debug. It also allows logfile sizes of 5 MB and maximum 5 logfiles.


yarn add create-graphql-server-logging

In the create-graphql-server project add the following lines to server/index.js, so you are adding the logger to the server's context. Afterwards you can use it for example in your model files with "this.context.log".

import { getLogFilename, logger } from 'create-graphql-server-logging'; // <===
const log = logger(getLogFilename()); // <=== here

app.use('/graphql', (req, res, next) => {
  passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }, (err, me) => {
    req.context = addModelsToContext({ db, pubsub, me, UserCollection, log }); // <=== here
    graphqlExpress(() => {

Add in package.json the following section:

"scripts": {
"config": {                                        // <===
  "logfile": "log/all-logs-readable.log",        // <===
  "loglevel": "debug",                            // <===
  "maxsize": 5,                                    // <===
  "maxfiles": 5                                    // <===