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Adds Authorization Logic to the GraphQL-Server-Generator: create-graphql-server.

If you are using create-grapqhl-server, you come to a point, when you need some kind of authorization on your GraphQL server. This package provides a possible way to do authorization checks.

Therefore it enhances the type schema with two additional GraphQL directives:

Use these two directives in your GraphQL type definitions. Then use the create-graphql-server add-type <your-type> command to generate the according GraphQL server code with already injected generated authorization logic code.


It provides Authorization checks for type authorization.

It adds the two GraphQL directives @authorize and @authRole to the create-graphql-server type system e.g.:

type User
  admin: ["create", "read", "update", "delete"],
  this: ["readOne", "update", "delete"]
  username: String!
  role: String! @authRole(for: ["admin"]) 
  bio: String!

The type "User" is treated as a special type. It adds automatically the input field "password" and "createdBy" and "updatedBy" fields.


git clone git@github.com:tmeasday/create-graphql-server.git
cd create-graphql-server
yarn add create-graphql-server-authorization

Add it to the generator files here:

In "generate/index.js"

// We are in an intermediate step where we aren't actually generating files
// but we are generating code.
import { parse, print } from 'graphql';
import { lcFirst } from './util/capitalization';
import generateModel from './model';
import generateResolver from './resolvers';
import generateSchema from './schema';
import { 
} from 'create-graphql-server-authorization';                                    // <=== here

export default function generate(inputSchemaStr) {
  const inputSchema = parse(inputSchemaStr);
  const type = inputSchema.definitions[0];
  const TypeName = type.name.value;
  const typeName = lcFirst(TypeName);
  const outputSchema = generateSchema(inputSchema);
  const outputSchemaWithAuth = enhanceSchemaForAuthorization(outputSchema);       // <=== here
  const outputSchemaStr = print(outputSchemaWithAuth);                            // <=== here
  const resolversStr = generateResolver(inputSchema);
  const modelStr = generateModel(inputSchema);

  return {

In "generate/model/index.js"

import { print } from 'recast';
import { templateToAst } from '../util/read';
import getCode from '../util/getCode';
import { MODEL } from '../util/constants';
import { modulePath } from 'create-graphql-server-authorization';         // <=== here

export default function generateModel(inputSchema) {

  const templateCode = getCode(MODEL, {
    basePath: [__dirname, 'templates'],
    authPath: [modulePath, 'templates', 'model', 'auth']                  // <=== here

  // validate syntax of generated template code
  const replacements = {};
  const ast = templateToAst(templateCode, replacements);
  return print(ast, { trailingComma: true }).code;

In "generate/resolver/index.js"

 import { print } from 'recast';
 import getCode from '../util/getCode';
 import { templateToAst } from '../util/read';
 import { RESOLVER } from '../util/constants';
 import { modulePath } from 'create-graphql-server-authorization';       // <=== here

export default function generateResolver(inputSchema) {

  const templateCode = getCode(RESOLVER, {
    basePath: [__dirname, 'templates'],
    authPath: [modulePath, 'templates','resolver', 'auth']               // <=== here

  // validate syntax of generated template code
  const replacements = {};
  const ast = templateToAst(templateCode, replacements);
  return print(ast, { trailingComma: true }).code;


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